Our association of over a decade with “Schmidt Periodicals” and “Periodicals Service Company” has been rewarding for both the companies. International Subscription Agency has a separate Backvolumes division and has grown to be Country’s leading supplier in print Journals Backvolumes. Our clients rely on our expertise to complete gaps in their collections or build print collections for their Libraries.
Both “Periodicals Service Company and “Schmidt Periodicals” are Partners with over 40 years’ experience and are major reprinters of academic journals and specialize in the supply of antiquarian backsets, back volumes and back issues of out-of-print journals and serials. Their carefully selected stock is the largest in the world. Housed in the USA and Germany they hold back stock for many titles in the major western languages, some 3.000.000 volumes covering all subject areas and offer the most comprehensive back volume service in the world. Client orders are fulfilled from:
Reprint division, including PSC, Schmidt, Kraus and Johnson Reprints. PSC reprints many important and long out-of-print publications on high quality acid-free paper are frequently considered more suitable for general use than original editions.
Publishers' original back stock. PSC has signed stock management and/or reprint agreements with many major publishers and hold a large part of their original stock.
Antiquarian stock, ranging from very rare items to more recently published Journals.
Our worldwide search service, from bases in the USA and Europe. In cases where we receive an enquiry for a title or volumes that we do not hold in stock, we will check all possible sources, on request.
Please contact us with your list of required Journals and missing volumes and we will respond promptly.
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