Information for Customers

  • Subscription to Journals in any format
  • Consortia planning, negotiations with Publishers and post sales consortia management
  • Identification and management of Electronic Resources of Libraries
  • Fulfilment of Journals in print and electronic Back sets.
  • Administrator Access to customers
  • Product Information and Trials
  • Help to choose best products and negotiating best price with Publishers

Information for Publishers

“In an era of abundance, where anyone can publish, where any content is quickly commoditized, and where expertise is leveled – services that support content producers become more valuable than the content producers themselves.”

Kent Anderson
Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery

Illuminea, OUP, October 2010 ISA  provides professional services to international publishers who wish to promote and sell their journals to librarians and users throughout the sub-continent.  Our extensive knowledge of the Indian market makes ISA a natural partner for publishers wishing to enhance the presence of their journals through targeted, local promotions, and grow their business through informed, professional sales negotiations.