International Subscription Agency is in subscription business since last two decades, our customers include India’s premier Institutions like IIT’s, IIM’s, Central Universities, Post Graduate Medical Colleges, private Industry etc. etc. Most clients are dealing with us uninterrupted since last several years. We offer Subscription for worldwide Periodicals, Online Journals, e-books, Database and print back-sets. Our aim is to continuously strive to provide products and services that meet the quality performance and aspirations of our customers while maintaining the highest standards of ethics, responsibility and to constantly innovate, upgrade and improve our services and processes and reach new heights in customer services.
Our association of over a decade with “Schmidt Periodicals” and “Periodicals Service Company” has been rewarding for both the companies. International Subscription Agency has a separate Backvolumes division and has grown to be Country’s leading supplier in print Journals Backvolumes.

International Subscription Agency, is supplying Foreign Journals in print and online format for the last twenty years. Their performance has been found satisfactory in all these years. In my opinion they are amongst best subscription agencies of the Country.
IIM, Lucknow
International Subscription Agency, is supplying us print and online Journals, we are happy and satisfied with their services and efficiency.
IISER, Bhopal
International Subscription Ageny, Lucknow is one of the best vendors for subscription of Journals since 1994. To the best of our knowledge, they are trustworthy subscription agent. They are prompt in processing our order and their services have been found excellent to our entire satisfaction.
SGPGI Lucknow
International Subscription Agency,has been supplying the Periodicals (print and online) to our institute for more than a decade and their services have been quite satisfactory.
HRI, Allahabd